ETF 2016: Minister’s Hari Raya Get-Together 2016

June and July were our busiest months here at Eiding The Feast where we juggled our work, school, and family lives, tried to celebrate Hari Raya and all while ensuring that our promise to sponsor six homes with meals for 1 week each was fulfilled. If you haven’t caught up on that, click on the link!

Amidst all the madness.. was a little email that I had received inviting Yasmeen and I to the Minister’s Annual Hari Raya Get-Together 2016 (since we celebrate Hari Raya).


We were amongst two of about 30 different individuals from all walks of life whose achievements were highlighted during the dinner session. Prior to the dinner, there was an intimate meet-and-greet session with some of the ministers including  Minister Yaacob Ibrahim, the host, himself, Minister for Culture, Community and Youth & Leader of the House Ms Grace Fu and other Muslim Ministers.

The event saw some performances from Malay cultural groups such as Sri Warisan and allowed guests to mingle with one another.

Yasmeen and I were assigned to different tables so we got to meet with other people in the community who had so many awe-inspiring things.



What I loved the most was being able to share the stories of how we’ve been given so much help from the community with the ministers and other guests.

Eiding The Feast constantly reminds of how much good there is in this world and sometimes, I feel, it’s my responsibility to share these stories with the rest of the world. It is, after all, the least I can do, for all that they have done for us. 

Sitting and listening to the achievements of the community be it in terms of community service, being trailblazers in their own fields and even being just academically so brilliant was definitely an amazing experience for me. I found myself inspired at the end of the night to do more, to grow our humble food bazaar and to push the boundaries to create something that brings our love food and of helping people even further than what it’s doing today.

While I am excited, inspired and feeling energised, I also feel a wee bit cautious. Eiding The Feast was never started to be a huge event . My original idea was all about providing meals to children. Along the way we’ve been blessed with such great opportunities, collaborations, partnerships with different people.. and it has grown. As it grows in the years to come, God willing, I do hope I will never loose sight of why we started this and my own philosophies that have gone into branding, marketing and running our food bazaar.

Most importantly, I hope you’ll join us in the many years to come. If you’ve been with us since Day 1 of Eiding The Feast in 2014, I hope you’ll continue to stick with us.

If we’ve intentionally or unintentionally hurt you through our words or actions, please let me take this time to send you our sincerest apologies and we hope you’ll find it in your heart to forgive us for our short comings. 

Selamat Hari Raya and  Eid Mubarak my friends, from all of us here at Eiding The Feast 🙂 May you have a blessed and beautiful month of good food, good meetups and good catch ups with the people in your lives. – Shereen

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